
No name for this post!

I have been looking at the blank text box for quite some time. What do I write about ? How do I find something to blog about everyday! Do I write a review of the movie I saw today ? I dont think so. Shooter was good , but i dont think I can write a post about it. Do I write about my plans to blog daily? Well, it is too early to confidently say I would stick to this routine. Do I ctrl-c ctrl-v some good stuff that came on to my Google Reader? I am too lazy to do that. By the way do checkout this  for 15 tips for waking up early. Do I list out the happenings of the day? Who the hell would be interested in that! I feel when i dont have anything intelligent to say I better shut up! Oops.. I see I made a post out of nothing! I am off to sleep. Let me try and see if I can wake up with the sun tomorrow.


I had been planning to use Safari from the day of its release. Now that i have come to windows to win back my BMW GT3 that sucker Razor stole from me(err… that was long back when NFS Most Wanted got out), I gave it a try. The buzzword behind the Safari marketing is ‘speed’. The interesting claim is that of a 2x speed of IE7 and 1.6x speed of FF. What better way to test the speed of a browser than to write a blog in it! Till now, the browser looks sleek. It loads page real fast. A new feature that ships with Safari is SnapBack. Safari understands that when surfing the net, we are prone to lose track and follow the random surfer model :). SnapBack remembers checkpoints in your session like the google search page from which you started digressing and provides a one click icon to get you back on your track. The inline find does a much better job than its counterparts in other browsers. You need to check it out to find out what innovation is possible in something as simple as inline find. I now understand why it is said that Apple has some of the world’s best UI engineers.

It delivers what it promises but loses out on the other features. I have begun to miss my mouse gestures and content blocking already! That coupled with the fact that there is no support for third party plugins or widgets means that Safari users will have to be content with a pretty primitive browser. Safari is said to be buggy and is usually not the first choice of Mac Users. I am sure I would return to good old Opera when i am done ogling at the cool UI of the browser.So the bottomline is if it is raw speed and a simple UI that you are after, then Safari is the one for you. But while you are at it, why dont you try out the latest Opera 9.21 😀

Its been quite some time. Lets hope this post makes into the blog and does not get stuck in the drafts. The last post shows September. A complete 8 month sabbatical!

A quick recap of what happened in this period. I turned 20 on September 20. Got into touch with lots of old friends. Probably i will write a post on this topic someday..

December brought in my first journey to TamilNadu. Attended ICVGIP, a conference in Madurai. The trip was very eventful. Great company and great food. Wish I could go on more of these. Went home for Sankranti holidays in January. Organized a batch reunion of my class. This experience was very educative of the risks involved in taking initiative.

We had a batch trip to Ooty last week. Ooty totally rocks. The place was really really cool, in all senses of the word. Would love to go back there someday.

Theres a lot more i had wanted to write but its funny how a post titled ‘an early morning post’ ended up at 5:30. Better late than never!

I am just curious, how did you manage to find my blog ?

the beginning..

I am actually surprised that i could get pramodp.wordpress.com !! I dint get one by my name in blogspot and had actually registered another blog on wordpress without even trying pramodp.

So, for whatever it is worth, I begin blogging afresh .
